Planmeca ProMax® 3D Ultra Low Dose™ Cone Beam

Cone Beam Scanner or Patient

Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol is the world’s leading method for acquiring 3D dental images at low effective patient doses. It allows clinicians to gather more information than from standard 2D panoramic images at an equivalent or even lower patient dose – without a statistical reduction in image quality.

As dental imaging continues to evolve, questions regarding reduced doses and patient safety are set to take on an ever increasing role. According to the well-known ALARA principle, imaging doses must be kept as low as reasonably achievable. Patients must not be exposed to a higher dosage than needed to acquire images of sufficient diagnostic quality. Reduced patient doses can be achieved without a loss of diagnostic quality by using the Planmeca Ultra Low Dose protocol.

Our Planmeca Cone Beam can:

  • Acquire a maxillofacial CBCT (3D) image at a lower dose than panoramic imaging
  • Achieve an average dose reduction of 77%
  • Use 3D imaging to improve diagnostics while imaging at a lower dose than intraoral periapical